Mock Online Shared Lesson
Found in: Online Learning, Shared Lessons, Teaching Online Lessons, Technology
Neil Moore
As you all know, I’ve been sending out updates on an array of things related to Online Lessons. We have had several requests to demonstrate what an Online Shared Lesson (OSL) would look like.
Recently, one of our Master Simply Music Teachers, Laurie Richards, recorded a ‘mock’ Online Shared Lesson (OSL). Several Simply Music Teachers attended the lesson, and, for the purpose of the demonstration, each teacher played the part of both student and parent.
This video demonstrates how an OSL can be conducted. You’ll see the difference between an ‘all participants’ view, as compared to ‘Spotlighting’ particular students as they play. You’ll see how Laurie provides feedback, and moves through the typical OSL components etc.
For those teachers who are new to conducting OSLs, this video demonstrates how simply and effectively it can be done. For ease of review, we have provided with a Time-Stamp list:
00.00 Welcome/Good News and Playlist Check
02.51 Playlist check and conversation
06.50 Current Project Review
11.28 Repertoire Review
16.38 New Song – Minuet in G (FL2)
27.13 Accomp – Review basic concepts
38.45 Accomp – New content (Amazing Grace-D)
44.01 New Arr – Night Storm Acc. (Lightning Storm)
55.36 Note Taking
56.17 Audio Settings Walkthrough
I hope this is helpful. Please send me an email and let me know.
Much love,
Kerry V., Australia
As for the playlist, I have the student send me a photo before the lesson. Just to save time during the lesson but it is still nice to show people at the time how the playlist is going.
Laurie, do the students have their names on the keyboard screen so you know who is on which keyboard? WE can’t see that in this demo.
Laurie Richards, Nebraska
Ian B., California
The names get stripped in the Zoom recording based on the host’s recording settings, which can be adjusted via the Zoom web portal…
Tina H., Texas
I implemented the “repertoire review relay” for two of my groups this week–one on Dreams and one on Chester. It was so effective! Thanks for that tip!
Orignal discussion started May 28, 2020