writing simply music notes

Showing all 4 results in writing simply music notes

Self-Generativity in Online Lessons

I noticed an unexpected benefit today in my virtual lessons – because I wasn’t there to have more ‘hands on’ instruction,they had to think through and process instruction a little differently. It seemed more generative as they spoke the instructions kinda to themselves and figured…

Notes for Online Lessons

Another online teaching question… How do you do the notes at the end of the lesson? I may have the camera on my whiteboard as I write it. Or I just speak out what they need to write. I have them send me a photo of…

Remembering Compositions

As students work on compositions, is it ok for them to write notes in a Simply Music fashion to help them remember their pieces (starting notes, patterns, form, etc.)? When I began encouraging comp, I started to see students coming with a scrap of paper…