comfort in teaching groups
Hybrid Lessons
I’m finding in some of my small groups that individuals need some one on one that is hard to achieve in a group setting. I’m curious if any of you do ‘hybrid’ lessons when one week they might be in a group and the next…
Faster Student in Shared Lesson
Sometimes in a shared lesson, one student is ready to move on from a project before others are quite ready. Let’s share some ideas for an extra “filler” project for that student. I’ll start: Utilize one of the Supplemental Programs – assign one project from…
Rock Out Loud Live
Just in case anyone else has not heard about this alternative to Zoom, I’m posting it here. Mike Grande, owner of RockOutLoud music school in NY, who just happens to also be a master coder/programmer, has created what looks to be one of the first…
Google Hangouts for Online Lessons
Just curious, but has anyone done an online lesson using Google Hangouts? I used to… so I know it fairly well if you have questions. But I like Zoom better mainly because it is a more common platform so less to get the students comfortable…
Weariness in Online Lessons
We’re now nearly three months into online lessons, and I’m sensing a growing weariness in some (not all) of my students. Anyone else experiencing the same thing? It’s normal for some of them to have a summer slump, but this feels different. What are some…
Mock Online Shared Lesson
As you all know, I’ve been sending out updates on an array of things related to Online Lessons. We have had several requests to demonstrate what an Online Shared Lesson (OSL) would look like. . Recently, one of our Master Simply Music Teachers, Laurie Richards,…
Returning to Face to Face Lessons
I was just wondering how many Australian teachers were teaching face to face in their homes. If so does that include all your students, and how many, do you still have coaches present? If you are still teaching online when do you plan to go…
Ideal Group Size & Age
A teacher asks about the ideal size and age for groups. Here is Neil Moore’s response. The Ideal Size and Age of Groups Original video posted March 27, 2017
Collaborative Teacher Training
Here is the collaborative teacher training created and facilitated by Ian Belloso that Neil mentioned in his latest update. Really great information here, divided into three separate videos. Enjoy! I added time stamps to all the videos for easy reference. If you’re wondering “what’s…
Lesson Bomb Surprise
Lesson bombs with Neil – has anyone told your students ahead of time rather than having it be a surprise? Would that be OK to do? Or perhaps telling them there will be a surprise guest and to choose a short piece or a 20-second…