Panther Digital Materials Different
Found in: Curriculum, Foundation Songs
Megan R., Arizona
I’m working on learning Panther in Level 9. Is there a reason that the final chord in the printed music is not played in the demo or taught in the teacher or student videos? Cool chord–assuming it’s a reference to “Pink Panther”.
Laurie Richards, Nebraska
Ha, even I didn’t know a final chord was added to the music – LOVE it. I still have my old books. Occasionally you will come across a difference between the digital version and the older versions due to a correction, clarification, or a decision to notate differently (like Deep River above). I think Neil Moore sometimes throws in new stuff like this chord just for fun. However, nobody truly knows how his mind works……
It can be a bit disconcerting when your student’s materials are different than yours.
Original discussion started June 25, 2020