using music book
Light Blue FABE Variation Rhythm
I’m still having difficulty with the variation of Light Blue. Watching Neil over and over with the rhythm in the hands hasn’t helped me. Either it needs to be slowed down or written out for me so that I can SEE it. Could someone maybe…
Panther Digital Materials Different
I’m working on learning Panther in Level 9. Is there a reason that the final chord in the printed music is not played in the demo or taught in the teacher or student videos? Cool chord–assuming it’s a reference to “Pink Panther”. Ha, even I…
Music Book to Understand Dotted Notes
Quite relieved after todays lesson with my 7 year old. It is my first time ever to take someone that young through RR. She was previously doing well till we started dotted notes last week and she found them really confusing though the RR material…
Sit By My Side Hands Together
My adult (late 50s) student loves the playing-based tools but told me today that for Sit By My Side (F5) he finds them hard to use (think about) when putting his hands together, though he uses them well for hands separate on that song. Besides…
Observe Practice in Lesson
I’ve made a big discovery! It all started when I realized my students must not be practicing very well at home – or they would be playing better. One lady even said she was practicing an hour a day sometimes, but it really wasn’t showing…
Using music books starting in Level 7
Do your students who are Level 7 and above use the music books often to help them learn the pieces? They see Neil has the music book open in the videos, and Neil also approves that for rhythm tracking in the teacher training videos. I…
Church Song rhythm
I am preparing to teach Church Song for the second time. I’m finding it a little challenging for my student to get the rhythm right. I have just watched the teacher training video and noticed that Neil made no mention about the rhythm, but the…
Level 5 Using the Music Book
I have been keeping students’ music books for each level so they don’t ‘read’ their music, as suggested. Now I am teaching level 5 to people who can read. In the TTM for level 5 it suggests to show the student the music book to…
Parents Wanting to Use the Music Book
Would anyone have any insight on how to respond to this mom? Her daughter was in very slow moving class last year (part of it was because this class is younger – 1st and 2nd grade), part of that may have been a lack of…