
Showing 21 - 25 of 25 results in rhythm

Vocalization of Rhythms

In response to the following question: I am finding that my students have a knowledge of singles, doubles and quads in their traditional form of Ta, Te-te and tigger-tigger (or any variation of these). The schools seem to teach this in their music classes. I…

Young Students Dropping Out

This week, after one month of lessons, two 7-year-old students dropped out. The one mother was very upset. She started by saying “We have some terrible news”. She even filled out the evaluation sheet even though the little girl only knew one song. It was…

Rhythmic Issues and Metronome

I have a student that seems to have rhythmic issues. He is working really hard and has made huge progress but still seems to have a little trouble hearing and processing some of the rhythms. His mom is making him use a metronome at home…

Learning Rhythm in a Generative Environment

I love the Reading Rhythm Program and the idea of generative learning. I wanted to add an experience I recently had regarding generative learning. I use the words frequently in class always explaining the difference to my students as we go, and they love learning…

Improvisation – Rhythm Ideas

Just thought I would share this from a couple of my teenage boy students who do music at our local high school. To help with improvisation do the rhythm of Baa Baa Black Sheep and be bold as generally people won’t know if you make a mistake!!…