Missed Lessons
I have a family of 2 boys that are giving me problems with missed lessons. In the early spring of this past year the mom didn’t want to pay for missed lessons while they went on vacation so had them quit for the summer rather…
Emergency Cancellation
I am sad to say that my mother-in-law is very ill and may pass any day. I sent an email to my students and parents giving them a head’s up. So if/when I have to cancel lessons, they will be ready. Also I did it…
Student Absences
I’d love to get feedback on how you handle absences from students who are ill. I offer make-up lessons or even extended lessons to “make up” the time. Also, what about adults or youth who are so involved in other activities that they aren’t always…
Short notice lesson cancellation by student
I had a parent ask for a reschedule after only giving me 11 hours of advance notice that they will miss the lesson. How do I handle this professionally without causing parents to decide to quit? It’s already in my studio policies that they should…
Handling spring break absences
Spring Break question: almost all school districts in my area have spring break on the same days every year, and at least half of my students are gone the entire week. In the past, I have just used this as one of my vacation weeks,…
Infrequent lessons and teaching multiple songs
I need some counsel. Earlier this year, three ladies signed up for lessons after attending a workshop together. They are close friends and want to continue as a group, but here’s the catch. They say that due to their varying schedules and frequent absences to…
Following School Calendar in Studio
Does anyone follow a local school calendar as their schedule in their studio? I am thinking of adopting ours and then charging a “summer program” for those who continue in summer. But Im afraid it may open a huge can of worms. My students have…
Summer Scheduling Strategies
Dear Friends, This is going to be my first summer teaching SM. I would like to see if any of you could share with us your strategies on handling summer scheduling. It would be very big help to those of us who are still puzzling what…
Final Lesson
Hi everyone, wondering if anyone can share some insights on how to run a final lesson. I’m thinking of two particular scenarios: when it’s the last lesson with a student who is choosing to discontinue, or, more frequently, the last lesson before a bit of…
Summer Teaching in Students’ Home
I was approached by a parent of 2 students that would like me to consider teaching at her home in the summer. She said that her sub has many children that may have interest in piano lessons and she’d round them up for a FIS…