
Showing all 4 results in homeschooling

Homeschool Co-op Workshops

I just started a workshop at a homeschool co-op. It is a 50 minute class and almost got cancelled because there were supposed to be 4 to run it. The age range is 8-11 and then after that class was supposed to be one for…

Parents not wanting to “force” a child into lessons

“I’m a free-thinking parent, I’m not going to force them to do anything they don’t want to do.” When someone says this, do you even attempt to take the student, or do you pass altogether? I have had some wonderful families with this mentality honestly.…

Managing Teaching and Homeschooling

I am curious as to how those of you who home school and teach SM coordinate your teaching schedules. We have four children whom we home school and I have a moderate-sized studio and am struggling to maintain a healthy balance between my two responsibilities.…