
Showing all 3 results in bartering

Free lessons for the financially challenged?

Greetings – wondering if anybody offers “Free” lessons at any time? I have been grateful for Robin Keehn’s idea of a Tuition Credit Application which I use. However I currently have a student in his 3rd year of lessons who is from a one parent…

Bartering- Advice and Ideas

I need advice on bartering. If someone did baby sitting for me in my home instead of paying for tuition for a half hour private lesson, what length of time is a fair thing, half an hour? Or could I ask for an hour? This…

Bartering- Trading Lessons

I’d like to see some conversation on the issue of bartering lessons. Has it worked for you? How do you manage it successfully and do you recommend it? Do you “sign” agreements? Don’t hesitate to give me up-sides and down-sides. This is an issue I…