
Showing 41 - 50 of 74 results in Playlist

Fun Playlist Review Ideas

I have been doing playlist review at the beginning of each lesson in a different way. I wrote up song clues on post it notes, folded them, and put in a basket. They have to play the song for the clues they choose. The clues…

Managing the Playlist for Families

I’m a brand new teacher. Almost all my student body is made up of families, with 2-3 students from each family. I have my families buy just one set of SHM for each level for the whole family. They have additional separate notes books, but…

Playlist Issues

Lately, I’ve noticed little “issues” come up in pieces when I check a random piece from student’s playlist in a group setting. Things like…tiny bit of wrong fingering in Chester, or slightly wrong counting towards the end of Ode to Joy, or in the wrong…

Why Insist on Using the Playlist

I have a few students who do not actually mark their playlists. They are playing beautifully, and just use their table of contents to go through all the songs every day. The parents confirm that the practice daily and long. Should I insist on the…

Managing the Playlist Portion of the Lesson

Up to this point in my Simply Music teaching, I have had groups of two students. In September I will begin an adult group with 5 students. How do you handle the playlist portion of the lesson? What do you have other students do while…

Playlist – Keeping Songs Alive

Here’s a scenario… young girl (about 4th grade) is playing well. Father has said in the past she loves it and they’re so glad that they found me. Student isn’t always completely accurately so I asked her to go back and watch the video to…

Checking the Playlist

Do you find that with young students it is acceptable to have them color their the space (instead of checking it off) after they have practiced on the particular day? I am wondering if the coloring may have any advantage over checking. I would be…

Keeping Playlists Long Term

While this may be a silly question… I’ve not given any instructions to my students as to how long to keep their playlists since I started 3 yrs ago. Is there really much need, beyond a month or two back, to keep old playlists? Yes,…

How to Remedy a Sloppy Playlist

I have a group of adults where one is much faster than the others. I finally moved the faster one out of that group… should have done it sooner. Meanwhile, I moved too fast for the slower two people, partly because I wanted to make…

How Do I Revive the Playlist

I have a sister and brother (11 and 8) who have been taking for 2 years now in a Shared Lesson and are in Level 4, but cannot play very many of the songs from Levels 1-3. My routine with lessons is that the first…