
Showing 21 - 30 of 74 results in Playlist

Teaching Development level songs

I’m wondering of those of you teaching in Development 10 and beyond continue to learn each song off the page? I have done so through Development 12, and could continue but usually have other projects of my own on the go. With my previous piano…

Fun improvisation exercise

Today my mid-level 2 group came in and we started with a playlist check. I had them choose Level 4 songs and play something that sounded like the song name. One got Lullaby, so he played Night Storm in the upper register of the piano…

Senior student and pacing

In working with different seniors, I’m routinely finding they want fewer songs on their list (to manage), but more advanced pieces. Has anyone else encountered this? I had a discussion with a lady I teach who is in Level 4, that this is typically the…

How Tune Toolkit interacts with the playlist

I had a teacher recently write me personally with a question about Tune Toolkit, and I thought I’d address the issue here since it could be of benefit to others. The question was about how Tune Toolkit interacts with playlist tracking. Certainly one can add…

Getting back on track with requirement-based studio

Anyone have proven tips that work to get back on track when requirement-based has lapsed a bit? I have a few suggestions. With holidays and year-end coming up, you might make a plan and institute it at the beginning of 2017 as a fresh start.…

Playlist management

The biggest struggle I have with my students is the playlist. Most of them are not interested in using it, forget, or just don’t do it despite my best efforts. Keeping their songs instantly playable is an ongoing problem and uses more lesson time than…

Using win/lose games

I had kids earn points from cards they picked for playlist check. Some kids started to cry because they didn’t win their cards even with a prep talk about why they should not be so serious about winning or losing a game. Personally I set…

Students are slacking on playlist

I need someone to touch base with. Most of my students are coming to the end of level 2 and are in the middle of the accompaniment book (I added this during the summer) and can do easy improv. That blues scale goes a long…

How to restart returning student

I had a great student a few years ago. I think we got to Level 4 when she quit. She continued to play herself without a teacher, and now she wants to come back. What should I do with her? Should I hear all her…

Composition Idea

Try this for a fun project once your students have some arrangements under their belts. Compose a ‘medley’ using ONE playlist song and adding any number of the following components in any order: Intro/Outro (make one up) Any arrangement Improv section Transitions between sections Play…