
Showing 31 - 33 of 33 results in fingering

Walking with Billy Fingering

My right hand naturally wants to use fingers 1, 3, and 5 rather than the suggested 1, 2, and 5. Is the specified fingering always crucial, or can students discover what feels right for them in instances such as this? My thinking is similar to…

Fingering for Bishop St. Blues

I have always played the I chord of Bishop Street Blues with my third finger in the middle rather than finger two, and a lot of my students find that easier too. Is there any reason why they shouldn’t? I recommend staying with using the…

‘Correct’ Fingering – Neil Moore

I have a student who has played in the past, and has a habit of twisting her hands laterally (outwards) when playing chords. She wants to use her own fingering, and complains about having to use the fingering as instructed, and even included on her…