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Ode to Joy original rhythm vs long notes
In Ode to Joy, does anyone ever teach the original rhythm rather than holding the long notes? Several of my children have already learned to play it the original way and we all listen to the original song quite frequently. I’m trying to figure out…
Content breadth vs depth
I have a student whose mom is a fourth grade teacher, and she made a comment last night that I didn’t quite know how to respond to. In referring to the white board on which I had written the notes, including assignments from Foundation Level…
Keeping the playing-based component with reading students
I have some students finishing level 9 and when I look at all the streams they will continue, almost all of them involve reading: Level 10 and up, Jazz Clues (clue 1 and 2), reading project of own choice. If they do composition, I may…
Successful student stories
I’d like to share a few student stories with you. These are inspiring to me as a teacher; I hope you find some inspiration there too. I taught Josh for about 6 years before he discontinued about 4 years ago. He got through Level 8…
Students moving ahead on videos
In response to: “… How do I deal with students who continually move ahead on the videos, even though I have told them not to?…” Students deciding to move ahead on the videos is a problem, and in the long run it sabotages their progress.…
‘Correct’ Fingering – Neil Moore
I have a student who has played in the past, and has a habit of twisting her hands laterally (outwards) when playing chords. She wants to use her own fingering, and complains about having to use the fingering as instructed, and even included on her…