Free Introductory Session

Showing 51 - 55 of 55 results in Free Introductory Session

Free Introductory Session- Handouts

Here’s a question for those of you who have been running Free Introductory Sessions for a while: has anyone found that it’s beneficial to hand out some type of token to attendees? I wondered whether something like a fridge magnet, for example, would show my…

Free Introductory Session- Training Materials

I do not know if everyone uses the Free Introductory Session materials but in my opinion they are well worth the investment of your time. When I attended the November workshop in Sacramento, I was only about four weeks into my training with Neil. Based…

Free Introductory Session for Transitioning Students

I have frequently held classes (including the current semester) at a couple of venues where I have no opportunity to do an FIS. I teach at an after school program and a homeschool co-op. In the past couple of semesters, I have then transitioned some…

Calling Back ‘No-Shows’ from Introductory Sessions

If people who said they would come to an FIS don’t show, do you wait for them to call or do you get back with them to tell them of next FIS? If you call them, do you leave a message on the answering machine,…

Simply Music Information Packets

I am still slowly building up my piano business but have had several speculative calls or emails from people asking how much? How often? etc. I find myself having a lengthy conversation with these people either via email or on the phone, and none of…