life coach

Showing 11 - 14 of 14 results in life coach

Reading Program Testimonials

I wonder if some of you who have gone through the SM reading program would be so kind as to give me your testimonial of how well it works. I have many parents who are asking questions which I just don’t feel equipped to answer,…

Getting Students to Play More Slowly

I have a couple students that I know tend to play through their simpler songs asfastastheycan.  I assume that this isn’t the best to help them develop playing with feeling, etc., and the one girl has trouble playing the song itself when she slows down.…

Child Resisting Coaching

I have two parents reporting that their children do not like to have parents around or parents correcting them at home during practice. One of the kids is 8. I am inheriting her from another Simply Music teacher who has stopped teaching to further his…

Life Coach – Death of a Parent

I am a newly licensed teacher and will start my first lesson this Friday. I am teaching my close friend’s daughter and her classmate. Both of them are 11 years old. My friend will be in class with her daughter for sure, but the other girl’s…