key signature

Showing 11 - 17 of 17 results in key signature

Naturally Occurring 3s and 4s

Would someone please explain exactly what “naturally occurring 3’s and 4’s” means? I’ve watched videos in which this concept is mentioned, but maybe I’ve missed something along the way. Is it breaking down a scale into groups of three and four notes? Do you start…

Teaching key signature

I’m working my way through Accompaniment 2 and have a question. One of the lectures talks about naturally-occurring chords in various keys, and assumes knowledge of keys. The example given is that the key of F has one flat. I know that in Time for…

Learning Scale and Key Signature

Is there a simple way to learn key signatures? Time for Music and Accompaniment Level 2 detail our approach to addressing a playing-based relationship to scale, scale formula, key signature, scale-tone chords and their scale-based transposition. Naturally you need to have done the Reading Program…

Transcribing Music in All Keys?‏

I have a quick question, am wondering if anyone can help me…. If we have students writing, writing, writing through RR and RN, then, how do they keep writing when they want to write their music in a key that is not C? (and not…

Teaching Components from the Reading Program

I and my students are enjoying the Reading Notes program and eagerly anticipate moving forward. I have students on #20, Accidentals. I understand everything up to this point. However, #21 and #23 are eluding me. In #21, do you go ahead into Time for More…

Key Signature

I am in the process of studying the level 10 development program. It sounds fantastic and I am really excited to be at the end. Neil mentions in level 10 that in the music we can tell that the particular song is in a key of (for…

Learning Scale and Key Signature

Is there a simple way to learn key signatures? Time for Music and Accompaniment Level 2 detail our approach to addressing a playing-based relationship to scale, scale formula, key signature, scale-tone chords and their scale-based transposition. Naturally you need to have done the Reading Program…