sticking to the program

Showing all 3 results in sticking to the program

Adapting curriculum to student with traditional experience

I have a potential student that has had around two years of traditional lessons, some of which has been spread out over several years, so may not be the strongest of two years. She just finished her freshman year of high school. Mom tells me…

Chat – Sticking To The Program

Kerry V (Aus)  When I started with SM I found that I had to go through a lot of sorting out such as, how to teach clearly, how to have conversations, how to study, etc.  Sometimes Neil would have some advice as to how to…

Writing Rhythm and Graduated Levels of Difficulty

I’m just diving in the Reading Rhythm Program, and I think it is no surprise that I have come to a bit of a problem understanding how to teach writing rhythms. It is no surprise since I’ve never written rhythms myself!  I hope that it…