
Showing 1 - 10 of 13 results in teens

Supporting busy students

How would you support your students if they have been good students (Level 11) but then their home practice time got bumped by their school work and their commitment to school activities, and they are still committed to piano lessons? This is a group formed…

Non-compliant teenagers

I’m going to be real. I feel like firing two teenage students that never do what they’re told despite both parent and method coach enforcement every single week. Mom’s committed. We have had the talk for a couple months and I’m on my last rope.…

Adapting curriculum to student with traditional experience

I have a potential student that has had around two years of traditional lessons, some of which has been spread out over several years, so may not be the strongest of two years. She just finished her freshman year of high school. Mom tells me…

Busy teen student and critical music teacher

My 15-year-old student started school band last September playing vibraphone and has been very consumed with rehearsals, competitions, and a critical band teacher who wonders “what kind of piano teacher did not teach her to sight-read”. Her practice time if infrequent (mainly due to band)…

Stressed teenaged student

My sensitive teen cried last night at class and I know she has been struggling but her dad tells me she absolutely loves her lessons and playing piano. Here’s the problem, she will only work on songs she loves, only do the things she wants…

Keeping teens engaged

I have several teens in my very small studio. I recently lost 2. I do think we are all needing more inspiration in lessons. Do you have insight as to how to keep these busy folks engaged? One of their moms suggested sitting down with…

Engaging parents in lessons with teens

I have a group of teenage students and although parents attend lessons, they are for the most part completely not engaged. I’m at a loss as to how I could include them in the lesson process. I can see the value of doing this in…

Teaching and coaching your own children

I am desperately seeking help for teaching my own daughter. She is 14, and we have been doing SM in a group for 5 years now, and are in the midst of Level 6. Even though she does not like it, she mostly has been…

Older students without life coach

  Hi Everyone, At what point do you allow students to come to classes without their parent? I have two students, brothers, ages 12 and 13 who are in level 7. Their parents are very supportive of the program and the process, but the dad…