
Showing 1 - 10 of 21 results in chat

Chat – Things That Work

Kerry H (USA)  Hi Everyone! I thought what I’d do tonight, instead of it being a session where you guys ask lots of questions, that I just talk about a few things. If there’s anything that’s unclear as I go along, please feel free to…

Chat – Teaching Students with Diagnosed Disabilities

cathyh (usa)  For tonight, let’s agree to set political correctness aside in order to be able to talk openly. SandyUSA  Go for it! Barbara G (USA)  yes cathyh (usa)  Neil’s recent post referenced students with undiagnosed disabilities. It is very important to understand how different…

Chat – Student Concerts

The following is an edited transcript of a Chatroom Session with Gordon Harvey, Simply Music’s Australian Manager. Gordon is one of our Senior Associate Teachers, and here he is discussing aspects of holding concerts for your students. Gordon H (AUS)  Kerry, you asked about doing…

Chat – More Teaching Arrangements

Gordon H (Aus)  Today we’re moving into some more specific strategies for the arrangements pieces. In arrangements, more of the “when & how” is left up to the teacher than in other parts of SM. It’s easy, when we’re given such clear, step-by-step instructions for the…

Chat – Justifying Arrangements

Gordon (Aus)  The first part of this presentation will be mostly my pre-written notes. We’ll have time for questions after then. This chat is about introducing, justifying and ordering arrangements. We can get into specifics of presenting individual pieces at the next session [More Teaching Arrangements].…

Chat – The Accompaniment Program

I have three main things I want to say today about the Accompaniment 1 program: 1. Pre-introduction conversations……… 2. beginning the special program with an overview 3. keeping it moving and alive, while keeping it small and manageable. First, I want to talk about the…

Chat – Teaching Level 1

sreingold  Do you have any questions regarding how to teach Level One? Ruth3(Aus) Do you use Arrangements during level 1? sreingold  Yes, Ruth, I do. I start teaching arrangement earlier than many I think. I see no reason not to usually, unless people are struggling or just not…

Chat – Transitioning Traditional Students

Musicmaker:  I am Cindy Bettinger, who, along with Karen Tucker, reside in Charleston Illinois. I switched all my students over to SM in the fall of ’03 and the winter of 04.  Did anyone here start out teaching traditionally? Helen P (AUS)  No. I was trained…

Chat – Getting Off To A Good Start

Bernie (USA)  Welcome to this chat session entitled “Getting Off to a Good Start.” We’ll go ahead and get started. There may be others who will join us. What I’d like to do is leave questions for the end and take some time to share…

Chat – Sticking To The Program

Kerry V (Aus)  When I started with SM I found that I had to go through a lot of sorting out such as, how to teach clearly, how to have conversations, how to study, etc.  Sometimes Neil would have some advice as to how to…