About Business

Showing 341 - 350 of 362 results in About Business

Marketing Through Local Newspaper Article

Hi all, I wanted to share a recent experience I had. Although I had considered approaching the local newspapers for feature articles, I was too timid to do that. I was afraid the papers wouldn’t be interested because another local Simply Music teacher had already…

Marketing Through Article

I had a newspaper interview this morning, and it went very well. I started off by showing him (the journalist) part of the testimonial video. He was particularly impressed by the eight-year-old accompanying the church choir! Several things happened that I think were just fantastic.…

Results from Ads

Carry M. and I share a studio. Together we decided that we would spend around $1,500 each to increase our enrollment. We began planning in June and began our advertising in early July. We took out ads in both of our local newspapers. The ads…

Advertising with Music Bags

I’m thinking of getting some customized music bags as a promotional item for my studio – has anyone done this/ any recommendations on a company to use or a bag style that you liked? Vistapint does totes: www.vistaprint.com I’ve been very happy with everything I’ve…

Advertising- Stay at Home Parents

I have not really targeted stay at home parents, but I do have some input that I have used. In my networking in the community, I have come across a lot of stay at home moms and working business people that I have had success…

Advertising with Yelp

Does anyone know how Yelp works? Has anyone used Yelp? I personally think Yelp is really expensive, but it gives your studio name some credibility. It’s $350/month for the cheapest tier and you must sign a one-year contract. There is an early termination fee of…

Advertising with Google Adwords

Has anyone used Google Adwords? I remember hearing on a conference call someone talking about it–explaining it, rather–and am interested to know what kind of results have been had using it? I have used Google Adwords just last month and this month. I continually get…

Advertising with Groupon and Living Social

I’m curious as to what results you all have gotten from Groupon or Living Social. For example what percentage has continued as quality students committed to a long-term relationship? We’re currently at about 15-20% from our Groupon with some finishing up now. Curious as to…

Simply Music Information Packets

I am still slowly building up my piano business but have had several speculative calls or emails from people asking how much? How often? etc. I find myself having a lengthy conversation with these people either via email or on the phone, and none of…

Advertising- Increasing Word of Mouth

Hey everyone, I want to increase the number of people posting on my Facebook “page”, making Yelp comments as well as writing reviews on Google Places, etc. I know that these kinds of things not only increases your ranking in Google searches but also influences…