Studio Management

Showing 651 - 660 of 671 results in Studio Management

Family Discounts- Advice and Ideas

I have two homeschool families, each with three children who are interested in having me teach all three children. What kind of discounts do you offer to families where more than one child is taking lessons? Do you max out at a certain rate? I…

Family Discounts

I have a husband and wife who want to do lessons together. They will obviously get a break on materials, but I am trying to decide whether or not to give them a break on lesson fees as well. Do you offer a family discount?…

Bartering- Advice and Ideas

I need advice on bartering. If someone did baby sitting for me in my home instead of paying for tuition for a half hour private lesson, what length of time is a fair thing, half an hour? Or could I ask for an hour? This…

Bartering- Trading Lessons

I’d like to see some conversation on the issue of bartering lessons. Has it worked for you? How do you manage it successfully and do you recommend it? Do you “sign” agreements? Don’t hesitate to give me up-sides and down-sides. This is an issue I…

Homeschool Student Evaluations

I have a homeschool student who’s mother has asked me to evaluate/grade her on her progress to be turned in as credit. I have not encountered this so far, and wondered if anyone has created an evaluation form or anything to assist in the grading…

Formula For Success

I’m listening to the Teacher Workshop Library on Dealing With Parents. Kerry H. mentions that we have a formula for success that works, and that Neil says that every factor taken out of the success equation is going to dilute the results. I have no…

Bookkeeping Tips

Do any of you have experience with Music Teachers Helper or other similar programs? I feel like I’m struggling to find a way to manage the organizational/financial side of teaching and I’m hoping some of you may have some ideas or experience that might help.…

Teacher Taking Long Vacation

I have a fantastic opportunity to travel in Europe this summer– but it means closing my studio for eight weeks. I am concerned that students will really get rusty. Of course this is common during summer break– but I’ve never taken off this many weeks…

Fees and Vacations

I have a question that I hope I can express clearly in writing. It’s a bit confusing. This year I changed my studio policies to include paid vacation time. Before I charged $130 a month which covered 52 lessons a year, unless I didn’t teach…

Student Personal Days

This is just an idea. I don’t know that I want to implement it. Just something I’ve pondered and am curious to see what others think: the possibility of building into policies a certain number of annual “student personal days” that would work just like…