Student Management

Showing 71 - 80 of 184 results in Student Management

Redefining ‘Learning Difficulties’

I had a first grade student in her first shared lesson. This was her first SM music lesson, but she has had previous Suzuki lessons. She just covered her ears and refused to participate after the first instruction. I visited with her mother after the…

Level 5 Using the Music Book

I have been keeping students’ music books for each level so they don’t ‘read’ their music, as suggested. Now I am teaching level 5 to people who can read. In the TTM for level 5 it suggests to show the student the music book to…

Fragmenting and Level 4

OK, I know I had this same issue on Greensleeves in Level 3. And, I’ll be the first to say that it has become one of mine and my students favorites, and did come easy once it was learned. The LEARNING is what is killing…

Alma Mater Blues 2nd Section

I have a young girl who is not quite 7 years old. She is in the second week of level 2 and I introduced the 2nd section of Alma Mater Blues to her this week. She went through 99% of Level 1 like a champ.…

Chat – Teaching Level 1

sreingold  Do you have any questions regarding how to teach Level One? Ruth3(Aus) Do you use Arrangements during level 1? sreingold  Yes, Ruth, I do. I start teaching arrangement earlier than many I think. I see no reason not to usually, unless people are struggling or just not…

Learning Songs from the Audio Recordings

Under the subject of “claiming territory” are we to ask that students don’t try to sound out songs from the audio recordings? I have had a few students who have assured me they are not watching the video ahead of time but are trying to…

Adjusting Playing—Group Dynamics

From time to time I’ll run across a student who is just plunking out notes on the piano without a care to the ear. At that point, I’ll take out my audio recorder and say “Now, let’s listen to what you just played.” Very often,…

Controlling the Events

I’ve been teaching Simply Music for about 9 months. I started with teaching only private lessons, then I have added 2 shared lessons with 2 students in each. By fall I hope to feel comfortable enough to add groups of 3 & 4.  But I…

Teaching Foundation Levels and Streams

I recently received materials on Accompaniment, Accompaniment variations and Reading Rhythm, and found all of them very good. Actually, my adult (recent retiree) was so excited when with CFG set she could play several familiar Christmas songs almost at once, “Can you believe it, the…

Year-round Lyric Writing

I personally have experienced the power of a casual question, like “Did you write any music this week?” Last week one of my students casually asked me, “Are we going to have any songs for Halloween?” When I started looking for songs, I didn’t come…