commitment to lessons
Trying Out Lessons
I have run three FIS’s over the past week, and have encountered a number of potential parents who use the phrase “we want to give it a go”. Now, I know this is a phrase we don’t like to hear necessarily – as “giving it…
- Last updated 3 years ago
- 4-song workshop, commit, commitment, commitment to lessons, give it a go, giving it a go, Long Term Relationship, long term relationships, long-term, long-term relationship conversation, LTR, LTR graph, relationship, relationship conversation, relationship graph, sample lessons, sampling lessons, sticking with piano long term, teaching workshops, trail before committing, trial lesson, trial period, try it out, trying it out, trying lessons, workshop, workshop SHMs, Workshops
Requirement Success
Sharing a requirement-based success story. I had a family recently whose two children never practiced consistently since they started. I told parents and children consistently the past week before spring break and week following that it wasn’t a problem, but that it wasn’t going to…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- alignment with coaches, angry parent, at home practice, busy coaches, claiming territory, coach, coach at lessons, coach not coaching, coach responsibility, coaches, coaching, coaching parents, commit, commitment, commitment to lessons, communicating with parents, communication, communication with parents, confidence as a coach, confidence as a teacher, dealing with parents, distracted coach, encouraging practice, frustrated parents, holding coaches accountable, importance of life coach, lack of practice, Laurie Richards, lesson requirements, life coach, life coach roles, life coaches, managing coaches, managing practice, managing practice time, monitor practice, not practicing, parent, parent concerns, parent involvement, parent role, parent struggles, parent support, parental expectations, parental involvement, parental participation, parental responsibility, parents, parents attending lessons, poor practice, practice, practice guidelines, practice habits, practice time, practicing, practicing guidelines, problem parent, relationship with coach, request vs requirement, requirement, requirement based studio, requirement versus request, requirement-based, requirements, requirements in lessons, role of parent, selective coaching, student not practicing, studio policies, teaching parents, unhappy parent, unsupportive parent, working with parents, working with parents on how to practice
Internal Motivation
Has anyone heard of school teachers saying children should use their own ‘internal motivation’ rather than pushing them to do something? We were discussing reward for completing tasks. Poor Mum is confused, I am telling her she needs to guide her children, manage their activities and…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- claiming territory, coach, coach responsibility, commitment, commitment to lessons, discipline, encouragement, encouraging parents, encouraging practice, encouraging students, enjoying the process, external rewards, extrinsic rewards, holding coaches accountable, holding students accountable, intrinsic rewards, Long Term Relationship, long term relationships, long-term relationship conversation, LTR, managing practice, motivation, parent support, parental responsibility, practice, practice habits, practicing, practicing guidelines, quitting, relationship, relationship conversation, relationship with coach, relationships, requirement, requirements, responsibility, rewards, student interests, student rewards, unmotivated, unmotivated students, unsupportive parent, want to quit
Student Absences
I’d love to get feedback on how you handle absences from students who are ill. I offer make-up lessons or even extended lessons to “make up” the time. Also, what about adults or youth who are so involved in other activities that they aren’t always…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- absences, absences in group lessons, activities, adult students, busy coaches, busy families, busy students, busy teenagers, busy teens, catching up after absence, commitment, commitment to lessons, communication, extended lessons, extending lessons, group lessons, illness, make up lessons, make-ups, makeup, makeup lessons, makeup sessions, makeups, missed lessons, over committed families, policies on makeup lessons, requirements, sick students, student absences in shared lessons, studio policies
Parent balking at tuition
I received a phone call from a mom whose daughter had her first lesson with me last week. She clearly wants to “try out” piano lessons for her daughter and she is not committed to continuing if it becomes a huge struggle to get her…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- commication, commitment to lessons, holidays, Laurie Richards, long term relationships, prorating tuition, studio policies, trying it out, tuition, tuition credits
Non-compliant student
I have a student who comes with his grandmother as coach. She pays for his lessons, but he lives with mom and stepdad. Mom was coming as coach at first, but now it’s grandma. At first this worked fine, and he was making progress. Lately…
- Last updated 7 years ago
- claiming territory, coaches, commitment to lessons, communication, Laurie Richards, Long Term Relationship, non-compliance, request vs requirement
Collecting first month tuition at FIS
When you have a new student sign up at the FIS, do you collect the first month’s lesson fees right away, or let them pay you the first time they come? Pros and cons of different ways for this? I always ask at the FIS…
- Last updated 8 years ago
- collecting tuition at FIS, commitment, commitment to lessons, first month fees, FIS, Laurie Richards, new students, SIS, tuition