regaining lost territory ideas
Shared Lesson Distractions
I had a horrible time last night with a shared lesson. I have two kids together in a shared lesson – ,my room is not big enough to have more than that. The two mums sat on the couch and chatted most of the way…
Regaining Control of Parents and Students
I have finally gotten good at teaching SM and the studio is quickly growing. My biggest problem is still left over from being a traditional studio. Coaches are not doing their jobs 50% of the times. They won’t sit down at the piano, they won’t…
Missed Lessons
I have a family of 2 boys that are giving me problems with missed lessons. In the early spring of this past year the mom didn’t want to pay for missed lessons while they went on vacation so had them quit for the summer rather…
Quitting Families
Siblings in a shared lesson with 2 others, just finishing Foundation One (12 lessons) Big brother learning faster than average, and faster than his sister. Mom says they are having trouble at home because they are playing the same material, he wants to go faster…
Collecting Evaluation Forms
I was just wondering if anyone had any tips or insight on getting evaluations back in a complete and timely matter. For multiple reasons I have struggled with this, and while I know at the core is the fact that they are not doing what…
Student Resists Walking SDQ
One of my private adult students had agreed to start RR but when I did the first exercises with her (walking with SDQ’s) she told me she did not feel comfortable as she feels this is more suitable for children. I told her I have…
Recovering Lost Territory
After doing several of the trainings from the coaching conversations page about controlling the territory, I’m finally realizing that it’s time to take control back. I have 3 students or more that have taken control and I’m realizing now that it’s because I have let…