Blues Ensemble Approach
This is a question about The Blues Improv Program. When we get to The Ensemble Approach Project #15, when you use the Bishop Chords or 13ths in the LH and the Blues Scale in the RH, my students say it doesn’t sound good when we…
- Last updated 3 years ago
- 13th chords, B&I, Bishop chords, blues & improv, blues & improvisation, Blues and improv, blues and improv program, blues chords, blues harmony, blues in every key, chord voicings, chords, complex chords, don’t like blues, ensemble, ensemble playing, identifying Bishop St chords, teaching help with blues and improv, voicing, voicing chords, voicing jazz chords
Blues Infusion vs. B&I
I would love some feedback please… as I really love the Blues Infusion Program (what I have seen so far of it) but also the Blues & Improvisation Program… My F6 student (who has also just completed TFMM and is working through the second part…
Just wondering when do triplets get introduced in the curriculum? For some reason I did not see them in RR. Are they mentioned later in context of a specific song? I believe the first time they appear is in Blues & Improv “hickory” rhythm. But…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- A Traveler's Tale, A Traveller's Tale, Amazing Grace, arr, arrangement, arrangements, B&I, blues, blues & improv, blues & improvisation, Blues and improv, blues and improv program, complex rhythm, difficult rhythm, FL6, FL7, FL9, Foundation 6, Foundation 7, Foundation 9, foundation level 6, foundation level 7, foundation level 9, Fur Elise, Fur Elise C section, Gordon Harvey, hickories, hickory, masters of the rhythm, reading, reading rhythm, reads rhythm, rhythm, rhythm streams, rhythm tracks, rhythm words, RR, teaching rhythm, tfmm, The Gaz, Time for More Music, time for music, Traveler's Tale, Traveller's Tale, triplet, triplets, using words in rhythm learning, voicing rhythms with words, Walk at 11, Walk at Eleven
Blues & Improv question
In project 7C of Blues & Improv, students work towards inventing phrases spontaneously. With the invention part (when students start to vary the rhythm in each measure), is it expected that students play the 4 notes in the same order each measure and only vary…
- Last updated 7 years ago
- B&I, blues & improv, blues fingering, blues rhythm