13th chords
Blues Ensemble Approach
This is a question about The Blues Improv Program. When we get to The Ensemble Approach Project #15, when you use the Bishop Chords or 13ths in the LH and the Blues Scale in the RH, my students say it doesn’t sound good when we…
- Last updated 3 years ago
- 13th chords, B&I, Bishop chords, blues & improv, blues & improvisation, Blues and improv, blues and improv program, blues chords, blues harmony, blues in every key, chord voicings, chords, complex chords, don’t like blues, ensemble, ensemble playing, identifying Bishop St chords, teaching help with blues and improv, voicing, voicing chords, voicing jazz chords
Jazz Clues Chord Voicings
A teacher asks particular questions about Jazz Clues and chord voicings. Here is Neil Moore’s response. Jazz Clues Voicings for min7b5, 11th, 13th chords etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6mpAMD83TM&list=PL3o0aF_9qHn4F2sy8QRuPb_jf_r4D9823&index=23 Original video posted March 23, 2017
- Last updated 3 years ago
- 11th chords, 13th chords, 7b9, 7b9 chord, chord, chord alterations, chord diagrams, chord structure, chord theory, chord voicings, chords, complex chords, dim, diminished chord, diminished chords, extended chords, forming chords, Here to Stay, High Five, If You Call, jazz, Jazz 1, jazz chords, Jazz Clue 3, jazz clues, jazz program, jazz program questions, JC, m7b5, m7b5 chord, Neil Moore, Neil's Responses (YouTube Videos), sus, sus chord, suspended chord, voicing, voicing chords, voicing jazz chords
Dark Blue Tailpiece Chords
Can anyone please tell me: what are the chords in the tailpiece of Dark Blue? Pretty sure those chords are Db6/9, Gb13, Cm6/9. So, what Maureen said – 9, 11, 13th chords must include the 7th. With the 6 and 9 added but no 7th,…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- 13th chords, 6/9 chord, 7th chords, chord fingering, chord inversions, chord progressions, chord shapes, chord structure, chord theory, chord voicings, chords, Dark Blue, extended chords, fingering chords, forming chords, identifying chords, jazz chords, Laurie Richards, learning chords, minor chords, playing chords, voicing chords, voicing jazz chords
Jazz Clue 2 question
I’m processing Jazz Clue 2 in my Touch of Jazz book and have a question. Do you use the minor 7th for all chords except Major 7th chords? i.e. 13th chords, 11th chords, diminished, etc. If it says Maj7, play major 7. If it says…
- Last updated 7 years ago
- 11th chords, 13th chords, 7th chords, diminished chords, dominant 7, jazz clue 2, jazz clues, major 7, touch of jazz