12 Bar blues
Games in the Classroom
I enjoy reading the ECL mails, but don’t chime in very often. I thought I’d share one of my games: I get “Crazy 8” card games to work on intervals. The students have tokens at each end of the keyboard. When they draw a card…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- 12 Bar blues, games, intervals, musical games, playlist games
“Blues Surprise” Playlist
I recently put together this Spotify playlist of songs that many people may be surprised to find out use the 12-bar blues structure (or fairly minor variations of it). I left out lots of the early rock era (1950s-1960s) songs that use 12-bar structure, since…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- 12 Bar blues, blues, blues & improv, blues & improvisation, Blues and improv, blues and improv program, blues and jazz, blues chords, blues harmony, blues recordings to play along with, blues rhythm, blues riff, blues scale, blues scales, blues songs, blues variation, don’t like blues, ear training, outside materials, outside music, outside pieces, pieces outside the program, songs outside the repertoire, Spotify, Spotify playlist, variation, variations
Standard Blues Progression
Why do we teach the 12-bar blues with CFCC as the first 4 instead of the standard CCCC that is everywhere else? Personally I like the F added in as it makes it more interesting. But does SM have a reason? I’m guessing congruency, so…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- 12 Bar blues, blues, blues & improv, blues & improvisation, Blues and improv, blues and improv program, blues chords, blues songs, blues variation, chord, chord charts, chord progression, chord progressions, chords, finding blues chords, I-IV-V chords, identifying patterns, Jackson Blues, patterns, remembering patterns
Squidgies Boogie order
Please help with Squidgies Boogie (Foundation 4). In the training videos, Neil Moore refers to the altered 12 bar blues in the teacher notes, but I don’t see the 12 bars listed in my teacher notes page. He says the second measure stays as I.…
- Last updated 7 years ago
- 12 Bar blues, blues, F4, Foundation 4, Level 4, order, Squidgies, Squidgies Boogie
Getting Familiar with 12 Bar Blues
I want to find a CD with a 12 Bar Blues on it to play for young kids. My point is to illustrate that this pattern is used all the time by recording musicians – and they are now “members of the club” because they…
- Last updated 10 years ago
- 12 Bar blues, blues recordings to play along with
12 Bar Blues and Jammin’
I just thought I’d share something exciting that happened tonight! I lead the praise band at my church and just playing around I played Alma Mater blues while the band was getting organized and we were going through a sound check. After practice, the band…
- Last updated 7 years ago
- 12 Bar blues, Alma Mater Blues, band, blues, duets, Jackson Blues, jamming