
Showing 41 - 50 of 82 results in arrangements


I have a quick question about the Arrangements program. Will every student eventually learn all of these? I know that the Foundation songs are absolutely ALL essential for learning and knowing but what about the arrangements? I thought they were but some how I got…

Chat – Justifying Arrangements

Gordon (Aus)  The first part of this presentation will be mostly my pre-written notes. We’ll have time for questions after then. This chat is about introducing, justifying and ordering arrangements. We can get into specifics of presenting individual pieces at the next session [More Teaching Arrangements].…

Arrangements – Order of Presentation

I’ve been having trouble getting my students through the arrangements and then realized that I wasn’t teaching them sequentially, yet I myself have learned them sequentially (!) How do you all approach them and what kind of results have you been getting? I don’t teach…

More on Learning Arrangements

How do I go about learning and/or teaching the arrangements when I am not supposed to be reading music, and there is only audio recordings on how to teach them. This seems like a contradiction to me. Now that’s an excellent question. This will be…

Learning Arrangements

I am new to both piano and teaching. My order for the newbie pack came in yesterday, and when I opened the Arrangement packet I saw it is written in this foreign language I do not know how to read. Before total panic set in…

Arrangements Teaching Pace

I know that there is not a definite prescribed order to teach the arrangements/variations and am fine with that. I have listened to both of Gordon’s workshop audio recordings on introducing arrangements and have found them very helpful. I’m wondering if there is a certain…

Arrangements 3 – Family Tree

I am a little confused with the fingering in the LH on Family Tree from L-3 arrangements. it is not covered in the TTP and there is no marking in the reference yet Neil has mentioned how important it is to have consistent fingering. I…

Overwhelmed with All These Streams

How do you guys do this? I spend HOURS and HOURS learning these different streams, and planning them into lessons. I’m just about to start learning Foundation 5 (I have two students right on my tail) and I can now see how wrong I’ve been…

Reply To: Getting the most out of reverse engineering

I am just covering my bases/honesty here – I just had a student inform me via email that she only enjoys learning the video-supported material and wonders if I can teach her only this or if I know a teacher who teaches only the SHM…

Experienced Students

I find I have to remind myself to breathe as my first lesson looms ever nearer. With more information from the dad about my very first 2 students, I am getting more nervous by the minute. He has told me that he has had Traditional…