
Showing 11 - 20 of 24 results in Skype

Piano at Home

Neil mentioned Mandy and Colin Cummins’ new app for teaching online. I just had a Demo Test with them and I cannot recommend this enough. It allows the teacher to see the student and your own face, while having a large keyboard view. It is…

Collaborative Teacher Training

Here is the collaborative teacher training created and facilitated by Ian Belloso that Neil mentioned in his latest update. Really great information here, divided into three separate videos. Enjoy! I added time stamps to all the videos for easy reference. If you’re wondering “what’s…

Lesson Bomb Surprise

Lesson bombs with Neil – has anyone told your students ahead of time rather than having it be a surprise? Would that be OK to do? Or perhaps telling them there will be a surprise guest and to choose a short piece or a 20-second…

Pop Up Lesson and Lesson Bomb

An idea that might be helpful, especially to those teachers in the southern hemisphere wanting to schedule a lesson bomb with Neil: I invited students to a Pop Up Piano Lesson. This was a time outside of anybody’s regular lesson time. I scheduled a lesson…

Setup for Online Lessons

For any teachers that are wanting a more thorough way to explain setup direction/instructions to students, I created a video tutorial series as a well as a guide. You can see it at the link below. Feel free to use it or duplicate it how…

Self-Generativity in Online Lessons

I noticed an unexpected benefit today in my virtual lessons – because I wasn’t there to have more ‘hands on’ instruction,they had to think through and process instruction a little differently. It seemed more generative as they spoke the instructions kinda to themselves and figured…

Notes for Online Lessons

Another online teaching question… How do you do the notes at the end of the lesson? I may have the camera on my whiteboard as I write it. Or I just speak out what they need to write. I have them send me a photo of…

Online Group Lessons

Has anyone successfully taught shared lessons in an online setting? My husband suggested Google Hangouts. I’m using Zoom. You can log yourself in with two devices so you can have a face to face view as well as a keyboard view. I think it takes…