Dreams Come True

Showing 11 - 20 of 27 results in Dreams Come True

Practice Pads and Controlling the Events

I’m in my second month of teaching Simply Music, and I have groups of mostly 3-6 kids. I have four practice pads that I got laminated but not mounted.  Initially I tried using the practice pads, but I found it frustrating, especially with the younger…

SHM and a Partial Lesson

This is my first official post as a “teaching” licensed teacher!! Yeah! It’s nice to be able to jump in and ask pertinent questions. I’ve learned so much from all of you. I know it is a judgement call on how much information to unfold…

Traditional Students to SM

I have started teaching another 6 week session at our community center here. The first one I taught went amazingly well. Everyone got it and I am now teaching lessons to 2 of my previous students from that class. So, I just started another one.…

Experienced Students

I find I have to remind myself to breathe as my first lesson looms ever nearer. With more information from the dad about my very first 2 students, I am getting more nervous by the minute. He has told me that he has had Traditional…

The Power in Using the Practice Pads

I had an interesting lesson today – something new! I teach my Wednesday lessons at a local little church – several lessons back to back, so there’s no time for any late starts. It’s a nice facility and works really well for my lessons. I…

More on Practice Pads

I have been teaching for over 4 years now, and it had never occurred to me to use the practice pads in the Private Lessons.  After the presentation Samali gave at our conference here in Western Australia on the use of these, it absolutely brought…

Unfolding Comp/Improv, Arrangements, Accompaniment

I’m wondering about how to bring in Composition/Improvisation, Accompaniments, and Arrangements 1 for my students? I’m a pretty new teacher and my most advanced students are starting Amazing Grace in Foundation 1. When do I start to introduce these other programs? How much of each…

New Student Struggling

The mother of a 6-yr-old that recently began lessons called me this evening and said that every day at home practice has been a struggle with her child throwing a tantrum or crying every time. When I asked her if it seems to hard for…

New Student Frustrated Already

So, I just recently signed up a 6 year old soon-to-be seven year old.  She has had one lesson… and I got a phone call from her mom today stating that, her daughter had been getting frustrated. Putting her head down on the keyboard, and…

When to Introduce Using The Pedal (N. Moore)

Could I have some advice on how and when to introduce the pedal correctly with my students? It’s a potentially contentious issue, but my view is that whereas traditionally the default status of the pedal is usually ‘off’, I suggest reinventing the default position as…