major scale
Teaching Minor Scales
Can someone recommend to me how they teach their students the Minor Scales? I teach major scales in the order of the circle of fifths. Then, I usually start with natural minor, and show the relationship with the relative major, since they have the same…
Roman Numerals for Amazing Grace Variation 2
I have a question about the Amazing Grace Variation from book two. How would you write the last line in I IV V format – from the vi, then F/D, F/G, and Fm. You wouldn’t write IV/2nd would you? Is it IV/6th? I have a…
0246135 Order
Have a random question about 0246135 in Accompaniment 2 (I checked simpedia and here before posting): What is the reason we go in the particular order of notes on the keyboard by skipping up to F# from E and back down to its natural scale…
Major 7th and Dominant 7th
I had a student with extensive prior experience ask the difference between a maj 7th and 7th today so I hope this question makes sense. Is Bb the dominant 7th in the key of F? Cmaj7 is C, E, G, B. C7 is C, E,…
Understanding Chord Structure – Laurie Richards (Webinar)
In this interactive teacher webinar, Laurie walks through the ‘rules’ of how chords are built. Using slides for visual reinforcement of the concepts, the following topics are clearly covered: Major Scale How Triads are Built Other Chord Tones 7th Chords Extended Chords Chord Voicing Chord…