goal of Accompaniment 2

Showing all 4 results in goal of Accompaniment 2

Accompaniment 2 Transposing

I have an Acc. 2 question, the transposing section. I’ve recently rewatched the TT video and looked at the pdf document for Acc 2. The video just talks about the advantages of learning to transpose and about the process, but not really about the project…

Lowercase Roman Numeral Chords

In Accompaniment 2 (Scale Tone Chords and Transposition), Why doesn’t Neil use or mention the fairly standard nomenclature of scale degrees where the Roman numeral is capitalized when MAJOR or lower case when minor (I ii iii IV V vi vii)? He says that the…

Melody in Accompaniment 2

I’m about to start Accomp 2 and just wondering how to approach it with a couple private students. Learn the pieces first as a reading (solo) project and then in the accompaniment style with the different rhythm variations? The songs don’t have lyrics and no…

Goal of Accompaniment 2 – Neil Moore

I am watching the training for Accompaniment 2. What is the bottom line or the goal for this section? I think the very first sentence, on the Accompaniment 2 page, sums it up: “Accompaniment 2 introduces more complex accompaniment pieces, and explores inversions, rhythm tracks,…