scale formula
Incorporating More Music Theory
Looking for advice from the music theory nerds in our community. I’d like to incorporate more theory for some of my teens and students in higher levels. What do you use? Books? Online tools? This is for students in levels 7 and up, who are…
- Last updated 3 years ago
- 2-5-1, 2-5-1 chord progression, 7th chords, alternative perspective of scale, chord progression, chord progressions, chord theory, circle of 5ths, circle of fifths, dominant 7, dominant 7th, dominant 7ths, ear training, integrated theory, intervals, jazz chords, key chords, major 7, major 7th, major 7ths, minor 7, minor 7th, minor 7ths, naturally occuring 3s and 4s, naturally occurring chords, naturally occurring notes, Neil's Responses (YouTube Videos), NO 3 & 4, NO34, PB, playing-based, relative key, relative major, relative minor, relevant, role of scale, root chords, root position, scale, scale formula, scale theory, scale tone chords, scales, theory, theory workshop, transcribing, transcribing composition
Teaching Minor Scales
Can someone recommend to me how they teach their students the Minor Scales? I teach major scales in the order of the circle of fifths. Then, I usually start with natural minor, and show the relationship with the relative major, since they have the same…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- Ballade, Chester, chester chills out, Dog, harmonic minor scale, Laurie Richards, major scale, major vs. minor, melodic minor scale, minor chords, minor keys, minor scales, natural minor scale, pentascale, relative major, relative minor, scale, scale fingering, scale formula, scale theory, scales, teaching scale, tetrascale, transposing minor keys
0246135 Order
Have a random question about 0246135 in Accompaniment 2 (I checked simpedia and here before posting): What is the reason we go in the particular order of notes on the keyboard by skipping up to F# from E and back down to its natural scale…
- Last updated 3 years ago
- 0246135, geography of keyboard, key, key names, key naming, key signature, keyboard geography, major scale, Neil Moore, Neil's Responses (YouTube Videos), scale, scale formula, scale theory, scales, sharps and flats, teaching scale
Lowercase Roman Numeral Chords
In Accompaniment 2 (Scale Tone Chords and Transposition), Why doesn’t Neil use or mention the fairly standard nomenclature of scale degrees where the Roman numeral is capitalized when MAJOR or lower case when minor (I ii iii IV V vi vii)? He says that the…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- acc 2, Acc2, accomp 2, accompaniment, Accompaniment, Arabic numeral, Arabic numerals, chord, chord beyond Accompaniment 1, chord strategies, chord structure, chord theory, chords, goal of Accompaniment 2, learning chords, lowercase, lowercase Roman numerals, minor chords, Nashville Number System, reading chords, Roman numeral, Roman numeral analysis, Roman numerals, scale, scale formula, scale theory, scale tone chords, uppercase, uppercase Roman numerals
Scale Journey 3s and 4s
I don’t understand the “scale journey on the keyboard.” I know a lot about scales and can play them all, but my understanding is this is playing the scales using 3 fingers of the LH and 4 of the RH starting in various positions on…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- composition, improvisation, key, key signature, naturally occuring 3s and 4s, NO 3 & 4, NO34, patterns, playing-based, playing-based tools, reading, scale, scale fingering, scale formula, scale journey, scale maps, scale theory, scales, teaching scale, tfmm, Time for More Music, value of TFMM
Introducing Jazz 1
I’ve watched the intro. to Jazz 1 program twice, but I’m a little confused as to how to proceed with presenting the program to my students. Are we supposed to introduce them to the scale formula? Or are we supposed to go directly into Jazz…
- Last updated 10 years ago
- first lesson, Jazz 1, Laurie Richards, scale formula
Need Help Teaching Blues & Improvisation
I’m feeling I’m at a bit of a loss with my first students to whom I’ve been teaching this program. I’m really hoping some people out there may have some advice. With my most advanced student (private lesson), we’d gotten through completing the Blues Scale…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- Blues and improv, blues scale, Gordon Harvey, Laurie Richards, scale formula, teaching help with blues and improv