using sheet music
Teacher Playing with Music at Recital
At my end of year recital, for the first time I will be playing and one of my choices is Silent Night Blues by Neil Moore and my own composition Bush Christmas. I enjoy playing and hope that feeling is felt by others. Do you…
Music Book to Understand Dotted Notes
Quite relieved after todays lesson with my 7 year old. It is my first time ever to take someone that young through RR. She was previously doing well till we started dotted notes last week and she found them really confusing though the RR material…
Lending Library
Does anyone offer their students a “lending library” to allow them to check out and borrow pieces of your music? What are your policies? Are there any problems with copyright in doing this? No copies are being made, there is no copyright infringement. Other things…
Sit By My Side Hands Together
My adult (late 50s) student loves the playing-based tools but told me today that for Sit By My Side (F5) he finds them hard to use (think about) when putting his hands together, though he uses them well for hands separate on that song. Besides…
Deep River – Using the sheet music as a rhythm diagram
I have a question about Deep River. In the SHM student video 4.4.7, about 1:10, Neil refers to looking at the page to see where events line up with the words. Is this the page of music? My Foundation 4 students aren’t reading music yet,…
Incorporating sheet music when students are reading
I’m curious how to handle Foundation/Arrangements once studets are in Level 6 and up when we’re actively reading music at that point. Do I keep the music books closed and work with the pieces from a purely playing-based perspective since students should still watch the…
Using SM sheet music to supplement playing-based learning
I have a piano student who has already been introduced to sight reading from a former teacher. Is there any reason they can’t learn the song via pattern playing first, then switch over to the sheet music instead of waiting until level 4 or 5?…