chord inversions
What Key Is Dark Blue In?
What key is Dark Blue in? Look at the music book for FL4. 3 flats. Also, the first and last bass note is C hinting at the tonal center. Ian Yes. And yes. And yet: it doesn’t really ever sound like C is a definitive…
Reading from a Hymn Book
I have a very motivated adult student who has nearly finished Time for More Music. She is able to figure out what most any piece of music says given enough time. She has a good grasp of intervals and knows what many of the notes…
What Jazz Means
I need to start jazz clues soon with a number of students. Help me understand what we mean by “jazz” and how it differs from the accompaniment things (playing all types of chords, variations) we’ve already been doing. I believe Neil talks about perceptions of…
Dark Blue Final Chord
I finally figured out another easy way to remember the final RH chord of the tailpiece of Dark Blue – it is just a rearranged version of the second last RH chord. (the D moved down an octave and then of course the whole chord…
Chord Drill Inversions
Elizabeth Gaikwad, I have a question about the Chord Drill inversions. I understand that students need to have all Accomp 1 chords solid and that is the prerequisite. What I’m wondering, is how the inversions appear/are taught in Accomp 2? Will it be beneficial to…
Dark Blue Tailpiece Chords
Can anyone please tell me: what are the chords in the tailpiece of Dark Blue? Pretty sure those chords are Db6/9, Gb13, Cm6/9. So, what Maureen said – 9, 11, 13th chords must include the 7th. With the 6 and 9 added but no 7th,…
Chord Voicing
How would you answer this question from a parent? “Why does the way we learn 7th chords only have 3 notes? To make a F#m7, isn’t that an A chord?” I’m very comfortable with the practical application of the voicing idea between the notes over both…
Chord Drill: add9 chord
I really like the Chord Drill program! One question, though: when the add9 chord is inverted, wouldn’t the 9th be on the bottom? Is that not a particularly desirable voicing, because you jump to the 3rd of the chord? Is this because the 6th chords…
Songs for Christmas chord inversions
The variations in Songs for Christmas use inversions that my Level 4 students have not yet learned. However, they’re beyond the basic C F & G chords of the simple versions. Should I teach the variations using root position chords, or find a way to…
Introduction of chord inversions, use of scales
I’m still a relative newbie, trying to wrap my head around fitting all the pieces together. Can someone further down the path give some insight on the following please? I’ve done the Composition and Improv as well as Accompaniment training (and Supplemental Programs for these),…