Neil Moore

Showing 41 - 50 of 144 results in Neil Moore

Lesson Bomb Surprise

Lesson bombs with Neil – has anyone told your students ahead of time rather than having it be a surprise? Would that be OK to do? Or perhaps telling them there will be a surprise guest and to choose a short piece or a 20-second…

Pop Up Lesson and Lesson Bomb

An idea that might be helpful, especially to those teachers in the southern hemisphere wanting to schedule a lesson bomb with Neil: I invited students to a Pop Up Piano Lesson. This was a time outside of anybody’s regular lesson time. I scheduled a lesson…

Locking in Church Song

In Church Song, Level 7, one of the learning strategies is “Locking”. Could I get a clearer definition of what the locking strategy involves? Here’s the definition: Locking: A learning strategy where the hands essentially lock their ‘shape’ into place, but move from one position…

Alternate Greensleeves Fingering

An 8-year-old student came up with an alternate fingering for Greensleeves that I thought was both insightful and helpful for kids with small hands, and I told her I was going to share it here, and that Neil Moore might even see it. In the…

Blues Scale Fingering

I am doing the Blues Improvisation ‘Blues Scales’ and have a question about fingering patterns. In the C scale we use F1 on White notes and F3 on Black notes but what about in other keys? I don’t know if I’ve missed it somewhere… but…

Key signature question about August (TFMM) – Neil Moore

I really encourage my students to ask questions. Tonight while learning August she wanted to know about flats as accidentals turning up in a # key signature, such as in measure 15. “Why is it not written as a D#?” she said. Does anyone know…

Music notation software – Neil Moore

I’m looking for input on comprehensive music notation software for PC platform. I have a student who is extensively composing (full 3-4 movement sonatas, for example) and has been using MuseScore. I personally have not used Sibeluis, Finale, Etc extensively enough to have a solid…