identifying notes on staff
Father to Son Leger Lines
Question about “Father to Son” in Development Level 16, that is not addressed in the teacher recording. My students and I have a hard time reading the music because it is difficult to see where the staff ends and the leger lines begin. Has anyone…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- dev 16, developing reading, development, Development 16, Development Levels, Development Program, Development songs, Father to Son, Gordon Harvey, identifying notes on staff, intervallic reading, learning strategies, learning tools and strategies, leger lines, memorizing reading pieces, note reading, reading, reading concerns, reading difficulty, reading pieces, reading problems, reading strategies, staff, strategies, tools and strategies
Game Ideas for Buggzart cards
Pick 1, 2 or 3 cards — create a melody with these notes Pick a card: For non readers: teacher can point to the key and student can name a song that has this note in it Pick a Card, name a song that has…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- 3-note improv, arpeggios, buggzart cards, C&I, chord games, chord progressions, chord voicings, chords, comp & improv, comp and improv, composition, composition projects, finding I IV V in all keys, games, I-IV-V, I-IV-V chords, identifying notes on keyboard, identifying notes on piano, identifying notes on staff, identifying written notes, inversions, musical games, naming keys, naming notes, note naming, playlist games, scales, sharps and flats, teaching scale, transposing, triads, writing notes
Questioning Intervallic Reading
Reading Notes – I have a couple of students currently, one senior and one middle school age, who seem to struggle with grasping the intervallic note reading process. Sometimes I wonder if it would be easier for certain students to learn note reading the old-fashioned…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- bass, bass F, clef symbols, clefs, expectation, expectations, identifying notes on keyboard, identifying notes on piano, identifying notes on staff, identifying written notes, interval streams, intervallic, intervallic reading, intervals, introducing reading notes, Laurie Richards, learning note names, location points, managing expectations, naming notes, note names, note naming, note reading, notes, Placing Intervals, reading expectations, reading notes, RN, RN streams, staff, streams, talking about expectations, teaching streams, transcribing, transcribing notes, transcribing Reading Notes, treble, treble G
Note Names in Transcribing Streams
Transcription projects in Reading Notes: are you just having them write notes on a staff as you verbalize different intervals? Do you start having them identify note names as they figure out intervals? Other ways to do transcription projects with notes? Yes Jen they write…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- Gordon Harvey, identifying notes on staff, identifying written notes, interval streams, intervallic, intervallic reading, intervals, introducing reading notes, Laurie Richards, learning note names, naming notes, note names, note naming, note reading, notes, pace of reading program, Placing Intervals, reading, reading notes, reading process, reading program, RN streams, streams, teaching streams, transcribing, transcribing notes, transcribing Reading Notes, transcription
Learning note names on staff
I’d appreciate your advice as I move two of my students into the conclusion of the Reading Notes program. At the end of the book, it mentions the importance of identifying note names. Does anyone revert to the easy way to remember notes on the…
- Last updated 6 years ago
- EGBDF, FACE, identifying notes on staff, intervallic reading, intervals, Laurie Richards, location points, reading notes, sight reading
Student unable to identify notes on staff
I have an extremely dedicated mom (5 years of lessons, with all 3 of her kids) who is concerned that her oldest, who just celebrated his 200th lesson last week, does not recognize note names very quickly. I am wondering if there are any suggestions…
- Last updated 8 years ago
- identifying notes on staff, identifying written notes, intervallic, intervals, location points, Neil Moore, reading notes, transcription, writing