processing rhythm
Accommodating Anxiety and Perfectionism
I have a question about accommodations. I have a 10 year old student with severe anxiety and perfectionism. She is unable to understand that she needs to practice songs even if she doesn’t like them. She is working on this skill, among others, with a…
- Last updated 2 years ago
- accommodations, adapting, adapting the curriculum, adapting to student's needs, ADHD, anxiety, anxious, anxious student, bullying, changing teaching order, dislikes Reading Rhythm, emotion, emotional, emotional limitations, emotional student, emotional students, emotions, encouraging practice, feeling rhythm, helping students feel rhythm, improving rhythm skills, lack of practice, managing emotion, masters of the rhythm, mental health, MORs, moving slowly, neurodivergence, neurodivergent, neurological issues, neurology, not practicing, not wanting to learn song, not wanting to learn songs, omitting pieces from the program, parents of special needs, patience with slow learners, perfection, perfectionism, poor practice, processing rhythm, processing rhythms, reading rhythm, relationship, relationships, rhythm difficulty, rhythmically challenged, RR, slow learner, slow pace, slow progress, special needs, student anxiety, student dislikes songs, teaching rhythm, teaching special needs, therapist, therapy, validate, validating, validation
Reading Rhythm and Previous Knowledge
If a student already knows the names of the rhythm ingredients (whole through sixteenths) can we use those or should we actively use the informal terminology anyway before the note naming process? This comes up from time to time with students with prior experience! Personally,…
- Last updated 2 years ago
- beat, clapping rhythm, complex rhythm, counting, counting rhythms, difficult rhythm, doubles, eighth notes, feeling rhythm, improving rhythm skills, introducing reading, Laurie Richards, learning note names, marching sdq, masters of the rhythm, note names, outside reading knowledge, physical beat, playing rhythm tracks, previous experience, previous reading knowledge, prior experience, prior reading experience, processing rhythm, processing rhythms, quarter notes, Read and Play, Read n play, reading outside Simply Music, reading process, reading program, Reading Repertoire, reading rhythm, reading terminology, reads rhythm, rhythm, rhythm streams, rhythm tracks, rhythm words, RR, SDQ, singles doubles quads, sixteenth notes, student with previous experience, students with previous experience, students with prior experience, substituting words in rhythm, tapping sdq, teaching reading, teaching rhythm, using words in rhythm learning, voicing rhythms with words, walking sdq
Family Tree Variation Rhythm
I am finding the variation on Family Tree a challenge, even after leaving it for a time and coming back to it. Can someone give me some tips please? (Or should I just leave that one out?) It is challenging, indeed, in a very similar…
- Last updated 2 years ago
- administering the dosage, audio, audio materials, audio recording, Audio recordings, audio recordings for learning arrangements, audio SHMs, Chester, chester chills out, Chester Chills Out Variation, Chester Samba, Chester Variation, clapping rhythm, complex rhythm, control the events, controlling the events, counting rhythms, CTE, difficult rhythm, dosage, dosage of arrangements, family tree, Family Tree Variation, feeling rhythm, helping students feel rhythm, how to play, humming along, improving rhythm skills, isolating rhythm, lyrics, playing along with audio, playing with audio tracks, processing rhythm, processing rhythms, rhythm, rhythm difficulty, singing along, single thought process, single thought processes, STP, using audio recordings, using audio tracks, what to play
Alma Mater Blues Rhythm
(Over time, different teachers have faced situations in which a student finds it challenging to process the Alma Mater Blues rhythm. Here are Neil’s thoughts on how to handle such situations, video posted September 28, 2022. Below his video tip are two representative posts/questions within…
- Last updated 2 years ago
- Alma Mater Blues, BH, complex rhythm, control the events, controlling the events, coordinating LH and RH, coordination, counting, counting as lyric, counting rhythms, CTE, difficult rhythm, dosage, dose, doses, humpty, humpty dumpty, information processing, isolating rhythm, microdose, multiple thought processes, Neil Moore, Neil's Responses (YouTube Videos), physicality, processing, processing issues, processing rhythm, processing rhythms, rhythm diagram, rhythm diagrams, single thought process, single thought processes, small doses, smaller dose, smaller doses, STP, swing rhythm, swing rhythms
Light Blue FABE Variation Rhythm
I’m still having difficulty with the variation of Light Blue. Watching Neil over and over with the rhythm in the hands hasn’t helped me. Either it needs to be slowed down or written out for me so that I can SEE it. Could someone maybe…
- Last updated 3 years ago
- complex rhythm, counting rhythms, differences in materials, different materials, difficult rhythm, FABE chord, Foundation sheet music, isolating rhythm, light blue, light blue rhythm, Light Blue Variation, managing variations, music books, notation, notation changes, processing rhythm, rhythm diagram, rhythm diagrams, score, sheet music, simply music song variations, using music book, using music books, using score, variation, variations, video and book different
Writing Spoken Rhythm
Hi I’ve got a question about students who find it difficult to clap words taking note of where the syllables fall. It came up from assigning a footy chant to a sport lover (e.g. ‘ see the bombers fly up” – from Aussie Rules footy).…
- Last updated 3 years ago
- beat, clapping, clapping rhythm, clapping the beat, complex rhythm, difficult rhythm, feeling rhythm, helping students feel rhythm, improving rhythm skills, isolating rhythm, processing rhythm, processing rhythms, rhythm, rhythm difficulty, syllable, syllables, Tune Toolkit, Tune Toolkit Teaching Techniques, using words in rhythm learning, voicing rhythms with words, writing rhythm, writing rhythms
Processing Trills
Hi Teachers, I’d love your input on how to coach a student through introducing a trill as this is not something I have learned myself. Up to this point controlling the events and breaking it down into groups/fragments and using a TLTR or similar clue…
- Last updated 3 years ago
- applying PB strategies to music, BH, both hands, hands together, HT, learning strategies, learning tools, learning tools and strategies, playing-based strategies, processing, processing issues, processing rhythm, processing rhythms, reading strategies, separate hands, SH, single thought process, single thought processes, STP, strategies, tools and strategies, trill, trouble with hands together, using playing-based tools while reading
Complex Rhythms
Help me with teaching more complex rhythm. I’ve listened to the Reading Rhythm program multiple times but I feel like I’m missing something. With The Mirron, for example, there’s a lot of rhythm going on. The way I am used to figuring it out is…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- audio materials, audio recording, Audio recordings, audio SHMs, complex rhythm, control the events, controlling the events, counting, counting rhythms, CTE, difficult rhythm, external speaker, external speakers, feeling rhythm, feet, foot, Gordon Harvey, High Five, humming along, improving rhythm skills, jazz audio track, jazz rhythm, Jazz rhythms, Laurie Richards, layer, layering, listening to audio recordings, listening to the audio recordings, once at the latin, playing along with audio, playing with audio tracks, playing-based, playing-based strategies, playing-based tools, playing-based while reading, processing rhythm, processing rhythms, reverse engineer, reverse engineering, rhythm, rhythm audio, rhythm difficulty, singing, singing along, single thought process, single thought processes, speakers, speaking instructions out loud, STP, tap feet, tapping, tapping feet, tapping sdq, teaching rhythm, The Mirron, using audio recordings, using audio tracks, using playing-based tools while reading, using the audio recordings to learn songs, using the Jazz Recording, voice, voicing rhythms with words, written rhythm
Hand Drums for Reading Rhythm
Here’s another getting ready for Reading Rhythm question: Has anyone used hand drums, rhythm sticks, etc. in shared lessons when working on RR? Do you find them helpful and fun, or distracting? Where do you find a good value on quality rhythm instruments? What else…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- clapping, clapping the beat, drums, dry erase, dry erase board, feet, hand drum, hand drums, helping students feel rhythm, improving rhythm skills, Lynn Kleiner, Lynn Kleiner Drums, Lynn Kleiner Drums by Remo, marching sdq, masters of the rhythm, mor, MORs, pat hands, patting hands, playing rhythm tracks, processing rhythm, processing rhythms, reading rhythm, reads rhythm, rhythm, rhythm audio, rhythm instruments, rhythm sticks, rhythm streams, rhythm tracks, RR, SDQ, tap feet, tapping, tapping feet, tapping sdq, teaching rhythm, transcribing, transcribing Reading Rhythm - transcribing, transcribing rhythm, writing rhythm, writing rhythms, written rhythm
Compound Time
Advanced Teachers: Talk to me about how to approach teaching compound time is this in relation to any particular piece? For example Greensleeves is in 6/8 and High Five is in 12/8. I would keep the explanation simple to students, but it’s basically dividing the…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- ‘57 12/8 Blues, 57 12/8 Blues, complex rhythm, compound time, counting rhythms, difficult rhythm, Gordon Harvey, Greensleeves, High Five, polyrhythm, processing rhythm, processing rhythms, reading, reading music, reading rhythm, reading strategies, rhythm, rhythm diagram, rhythm diagrams, rhythm difficulty, rhythm tracks, teaching rhythm