musical expression

Showing all 9 results in musical expression

Absence of Tempo and Expressing Markings

The below question was asked in response to a video Neil posted to help answer a question about what key Dark Blue is in, covered in a separate Simpedia post: Neil Moore hearing Joe’s playing also made me realize you don’t put tempo markings…

Muscle Memory and Speed

I’m curious about the psychology behind the brain’s ability to increase the speed of muscle memory (play a song faster), but its struggle to decrease the speed of the same task. Anyone? Not an expert neurological answer, but: Speed comes with familiarity and comfort. Slowness…

Expression and Playing Musically

I have an adult student (currently in Level 3) who sent me the following email and I would like to reply to this: “I would love to have more feedback on how to play better! I am very happy with my classes the following is…

Using Ballads, Songs & Vignettes

I’d like to talk about how I’m finding and using the Ballads, Songs and Vignettes recordings in my studio. There are so many aspects I’ve numbered them. Here are some benefits I see for my students . 1.They counter a mentality I often see that…

Checking Development Student Playlist

Playlist Time in a Development Student Lesson – I have five students at these levels. By this time they are old hands at pruning, choosing what’s in, whats’ out, making sure they have their one hour of playing materiel etc. My question is to what…

Frustration with Group Lessons

I’d like to briefly introduce a slightly different perspective on the issue of parent frustration with shared lessons. I can think of another concern those parents may have. As well as the somewhat misguided concerns about students showing that they understand their new material, or…