group dynamics
Multilevel Shared Lesson
This week I took the plunge and tried a different sort of class. I love teaching groups and nearly all my after school students are in group classes. During the day though, I have lots of adults that come one by one. Some are in…
Hybrid Lessons
I’m finding in some of my small groups that individuals need some one on one that is hard to achieve in a group setting. I’m curious if any of you do ‘hybrid’ lessons when one week they might be in a group and the next…
Faster Student in Shared Lesson
Sometimes in a shared lesson, one student is ready to move on from a project before others are quite ready. Let’s share some ideas for an extra “filler” project for that student. I’ll start: Utilize one of the Supplemental Programs – assign one project from…
Shared Lesson Distractions
I had a horrible time last night with a shared lesson. I have two kids together in a shared lesson – ,my room is not big enough to have more than that. The two mums sat on the couch and chatted most of the way…
Low Energy Group
I’m a brand new teacher, just a month in. I’m teaching only shared lessons and have several groups of different abilities and ages. Overall, I love the energy of the group and all the different, engaging activities you can do with them. I have one…
Ideal Group Size & Age
A teacher asks about the ideal size and age for groups. Here is Neil Moore’s response. The Ideal Size and Age of Groups Original video posted March 27, 2017
Ice-Breakers for New Groups
Any great ice-breaker ideas for piano lessons?!?!? I’ve been recommitting to group lessons this year and so I have several returning students who are coming together in new groups. While they all know me, they’ll be new to each other and I’d love to find…
Grouping Shy Students
I have a very quiet, shy 15 year old (boy) and an extremely shy and quiet 11 year old girl who have private lessons back to back and am thinking of letting them have share lessons instead because they are at roughly the same song…
Drawing out a shy student
I have a very shy/anxious student, unlike I have ever had before. She is 8 and has had only about 4 lessons in this group with the 5 other students. Just wondered if anyone has any tips for drawing out a pretty reluctant student. Mom…